Planning continues for the next Ozian fantasy. RuPaul as Dorothy has an accident during one of her backstage parties and finds herself in a coma and transported to the wonderful world of Oz. This version of the story has our protagonist living in Detroit, the center of planetary glamour.
Munchkinland is under construction

RuPaul arrives on set to see how work is progressing. Munchkin mayor is slacking.

Munchkin coroner

Poor Wicked Witch of the East!

I kind of like the mosaic tile as a potential background for the green screen.

Animal prohibition. Different animals yet to be selected for incarceration.

The wheel offers a single travel support gift for the trip to the Emerald City.

The tornado decided to pick some cotton. Will RuPaul fashion some new style for Munchkinland?

A couple of Munchkins preparing to meet the indomitable RuPaul when she wakes at noon.

That's gonna leave a mark, The chimney didn't make the trip.

Foxy lady.

That party last night was rough.

Ready to slay the Wicked Witch, but she just doesn't know it yet.

Background test that isn't going to work, even cartoon converted.

Antique Playskool pump for the village water.

Background test.

The wheel before the road to Oz.

More Munchkinland background tests.
Working draft of Munchkinland dialogue...ok, it doesn't hurt to dream!
Munchkin1 Mayor: Uhhumm!
Dorothy: Hello there little people. Sorry for the mess! I’m either on a drug trip or a tornado blew my ass somewhere wonderful.
Munchkin 2: We are munchkins and this is our city.
Dorothy: Ummkay! Or Unnnhuhn!
Dorothy: When my house finally landed last night it was dark and I couldn’t sleep
Dorothy: So I felt around ruins of my aunt and uncles place
Dorothy: The fireplace was completely wrecked.
Dorothy: When I get this hovel back to Detroit, how am I supposed to heat it?
Munchkins: City officials have blank stares at one another.
Dorothy: Well I guess I oughta get my ass outa bed.
Dorothy: Scans the panorama and slowly notices the red shoes.
Dorothy: A pair of my fine shoes made it all the way through that tornado, they will be my fave hooker heels from now on.
Dorothy: Could you be good little boys and fetch mama her shoesezzz?
Munchkin 1 Mayor: Certainly madam.
Munchkin 1 Mayor: My dear madam, the shoes appear to be attached to a woman like you.
Dorothy: There ain’t no woman like me, let me see.
Dorothy: Oh shit, I hope my homeowner’s policy is up to date and that shit works in this world.
Dorothy: I ain’t goin to no jail for killing some bitch that I don’t even hate because of some act of god.
Dorothy: Lord have mercy.
Dorothy: Well, those is some fine shoes and I don’t see no reason to let me go to waste.
Dorothy: Reaches and touches electrified shoes.
Dorothy: That jolt was worse than the doctor’s at one of my parties.
Dorothy: Excuse me, I digress.
Munchkin 1 Mayor: No problem….madam?
Dorothy: Thinking to self: Keep your mouth shut bitch, they might kill a drag queen on this planet or whatever the fuck it is. Your black ass needs to get back to Detroit because honey they ain’t no place like home and I am a drag queen in a strange land (Possible Title).
New RuPaul Song There Ain’t No Place Like Home
Munchkin village vignettes to get the flavor of the culture:
Female munchkin reading to other munchkins (find book).
Munchkin female:
Now listen close as I read from the Great Book of Oz
If you seek a pleasant economy, merely look about you!
Munchkin land offers free universal healthcare and education mostly in the form of lovely potions. But watch which ones you drink without a doctor’s care.
The Emerald City holds all the wealth of the land and distributes it for only the good of others.
And then there are the monarchies of Quadling and Winkie.
We should not forget the wild leaderless area in Gillikin’s land.
Dorothy: overhearing the impromptu history lesson in the street thought…”just like in the hood word travels through the streets”, and then she reflected. I’ll stay off the boat to Gillikin’s Island for sure and I don’t think I will be satisfied in any mother fuckin land called Winkie. Size queen her honey. Quadling sounds like waddlin which I waddling what to do next.
Dorothy: Do you have any food, I was at a party before the tornado and I am a bit puckish.
Munchkin: We will assemble a meal for you!
Dorothy: No crazy shit now like monkey brains or prairie oysters for this ho. I live across the river and I know what them people eat in London Ontario Canada planet Earth. I could use a two piece and a biscuit about now though.
The munchkins look at one another quizzically.
Munchkin1 Mayor: Are you sure madam that you were not injured when your house fell in the middle of our town?
Two munchkin women seated on a bench
Munchkin woman: Can you imagine, she walked into Oz Temple and both the right and wrong reverend stepped down from their altars to see what was going on.
Everyone turned and caught a glimpse of her horizontal striped hose. Those colors…not a thing I have ever seen in Munchkinland! Each reverend started singing one of the colors in a highly varied succession of sounds in the most beautiful harmony. And everyone joined in and that was when we all started wearing red and white striped hosiery to special occasions.
Dorothy: Let me get this right? One person can wear something different and ya’ll will write a hit song about it and everyone in the land will start wearin what she wearin?
Munchkin woman: Yes, sir and I must say you have a particular style that might start the munchkins a signing if you are not careful.
Dorothy: Oh I be careful, unhuh, I’ll be care__ful.
RuPaul Song All the Colors (of your life…)
Black no day, its time to let the light rise ayyyyy.
Red no fear you got this when you started baby
Orange my dear to make us feel a little sex-a-yay
Yellow tears to make sure you can handle it
Green to show that love is the only wayyyy
Blue to say all your spoken truths forever
In_di_go third-eye-open and seeing all
Vio__Let to make the people all as one
White again and we complete the cycle.
Wiz Show 1